Monday, March 17, 2014

Home made Ghee/ Clarified butter with step by step pictures

Reading is a habit that I gave long time back not because I wanted to but once lil one came along priorities changed and somehow I lost that good habit of mine…sigh!  Time flies quickly now he is 5 ½ and he himself has got into a very good reading habit which kind of enthused me go back to the snuggly world of books again! I was never an English book reader; I used to find comfort in reading Malayalam books which lifted me into a different world without paying attention to what’s happening around me. Mohammed Basheer was one of my favourite author and  had read almost all his books during those good old days…Getting a Malayalam book to read was not an option here ,so I went to the library and  picked up a book a friend suggested “ The Alchemist “ . I couldn’t believe that I still can read books without getting distracted too much and I finished the book in 2 days!! Book had a great moral for us, i.e. we should follow our dreams and never give up!! Sometimes we never know we can do something unless we try it. I think that should be my resolution for the rest of the year J

Getting back to the topic, today I am going to share a simple post of making homemade ghee from butter. For those  who live back home getting pure ghee is not a big affair, but here what we get in tins as ghee doesn’t taste or smell like ghee. I was bringing ghee from India every year but after few months when it finishes I had to use the rubbish ghee (read expensive too) we get here, so I decided to make my own ghee from butter. I was so happy that I made it as it smelled and tasted  just like the divine ghee we get back home,100 % pure too! Making ghee from butter is a breeze, all you need is 20 minutes and a thick bottomed pan and some patience J


Unsalted butter – 500gm

  • In a thick bottomed pan place the butter and heat it on a low flame.                                  
  • Butter will melt and boil and it looks foamy. Simmer it on a low flame and continue boiling on a low flame stirring occasionally.                                                        

  • After 18- 20 minutes it becomes clear and u will see a residue settled on the bottom.                                                                                                                           

  • Once its cools down a little, sieve it and store it a clean airtight bottle. 
Before  I sign off let me wish  all the friends who celebrate Holi a very Happy Holi !!              


  1. I can just imagine how good your house would be smelling now.. the word ghee make me drool ..Love it!!

  2. ghee..on rice and dal or may be everytime I roast the cashews /raisins the aroma that it spreads in the whole house... I too get the ghee from home because the store bought ones can never be compared to the homemade ones...ur step by step recipe is so useful

  3. Nothing can beat the home made ghee na, i do make mine this way only.

  4. The smell n taste of homemade ghee.. nothing can beat it. I too make it this way..

  5. Nothing like home made! I love it :-)

  6. It is a blessing to be here, that you get all our Indian Amul and RKG ghee and don't need to depend on butter, but definitely looks like a must try! Reading is a habit that has left me as well after the kids, but now somehow I am trying to get back to it, even though not very regular.. :)

  7. Agree with you fully about the kind of ghee we get here..I too prefer to make ghee at home using butter. Very nicely explained.

  8. wonderful clicks...home made best...

  9. Alchemist is indeed a wonderful book, specially if you are reading after a long time. I read it when I was in college, and I also finished it in one night straight. :)

    I tried making this Vinee, but failed somehow. Had some course textured "Product" which I would not like to call Ghee. It was neither butter nor ghee. So basically I just wasted £2 Clover pack for nothing :P

    Will try again and see what I get this time ;)


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