Monday, March 3, 2014

Cow cake , Peppa Pig cake and some Ireland Pictures

I really wish I get more time to do blog post at least once in a week. Now that its officially spring I am hoping that with little extra day light that we have now, I might be able to do some justice to the blog. I know that nobody is going to question me or maybe no one might  even care if I don’t blog , but  deep inside me I get a quirky feeling that I am letting down my supporters/ readers J Spring has definitely uplifted my spirits and that’s why I am here too. I have a kitchen by the window which faces a back garden or maybe I should call it wild garden with lots of trees and bushes. Every day when I do the washing up I get to watch a pair of doves playing on the branches and following each other, they were so in love and it was a pleasure to watch them. This was the sight for almost many weeks but today when I was doing the washing up I saw the one of the dove busy gathering twigs for building their nest!! It made me soo happy inside to see their love story moving to next level, I really wish they build their nest on the same branch they used to live together! 

Coming back to today's post, not a recipe post,its just some fondant cakes which I made rescently. The cow cake was for my nephew who turned 1 and Peppa pig cake was for a friend's daughter. We were holidaying in Ireland last week with my sister and I took the cake all the way to Ireland in my cabin bag, my first creation to go on a plane !! Ireland is a such beautiful place and we had a great time there. I will let the pictures talk more rather than me rambling again.That's all for now, will come back again soon.



  1. Cake looks very yummm.. and nice clicks.

  2. Ireland pictures are stunning Vinee!!! Such a beautiful lanscape... every photographer would dream to capture!!

  3. Beautiful pictures and beautiful came

  4. Delicious and lovely looking cakes. The pics of Ireland looks simply breathtaking.

  5. such stunning pics....beautiful!! Not to mention how cute your cakes are. Here Spring starts only by March 20th...but i dont think the snow has any plans of going anywhere :)

  6. Wow outstanding pictures...cake looks so great

  7. OH wow... such a stunning place!!! looks perfect for a relaxing few days... hope u really enjoyed and relaxed... the cakes look awesome too, i am sure they must have been really happy with it...

  8. Ahh... so u have started reading the minds of the dove ha....:)...Lovely fondant creations Vinee....Ireland looks so beautiful and serene...i want to go there :(.. hope u guys had a great time there..

  9. great pictures.. of the cakes as well as Ireland!
    was bowled over by those snaps of gulab jamun!
    will come here again just to gawk at those pictures :)


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