Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Strawberry Marshmallow Mousse


Until last week there was no sign of summer in London or in U.K ,it rained and rained and the much hyped drought turned into flood in some parts ! We didnt do anything exciting this summer like last time.Picking Strawberry,doing barbaque,beach trips we had so much plan but the horrible weather spoiled all our plans..but finally sun is out and from 15-18 degree centigrade it jumped to 28-30 just in 2 days time !! Thats the U.K weather for u :)Anyway to celebrate the rare sun here I am posting a summery dessert for u all !! It can be made in a jiffy with few ingredients and its a perfect dessert for all strawberry lovers.This can be served as a dessert on its own or if you have some sponge cake serve it with some vanilla cake and its a lovely combination !


(serves 2 bowls)

Recipe halved from here

Strawberry - 125 gm
Sugar - 2 tbs
Marshammlows - 70 gms
Double cream - 100 ml
Water - 50 ml


1.Place the strawberries and suagar in a pan with water and cook until strawberries are soft.
2.Mash the strawberries with a fork
3.Add the marshammlows to the hot strawberry mixture and mix until marshamllows are melted.Allow it to cool.
4.Whip the double cream until peaks are formed.
5.Add the whipped cream to the strawberry mixture and fold in.
6.Spoon them into 2 bowls and chill for 2 hours.


  1. Wow, this looks super creamy! Who will not love this dessert?

  2. beautiful dessert.. perfect for summers

  3. Quick recipe,beautiful dessert,will surely try this.

  4. Delicious and tempting Mousse. Lovely pics.

  5. Hi Vineetha ,

    ICecream Looks Delicious !!!

    Neat presentation:)

    Keep on Dear...


  6. Adipoli strawberry marshamllow mousse. It has been long time I made one.

  7. yummyyyyyyyy yuummmyyyyyyyyyy gonna try ur berrynoats shake

  8. great dessert...perfect for summers !!

  9. so so so hot right..and to add to it, the olympic madness. greenwich is a venue-the 02 n the park n we are stuck in the middle. its chaos. we are heading off to scotland for a week to escape the crowds.
    i have always wanted to try mousse, but gelatin n me dont go hand in hand. maybe il try with marshmallows now

  10. strawberry mousse looks amazing ..thanks for sharing

  11. Look so pretty and delicious..

  12. so tempting and yummy dessert :) i loved it, will try it out soon :)

  13. Hi Vineetha ,

    Looks delicious !!!

    And Do collect your

    SunShine Blog Award at


    EnjoYYYY !!!!

  14. Oh My God what a yummy looking dish... My mouth is watering here!!


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