Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Nankhatai/ Indian short bread cookie

Hope you all are doing well. I haven’t disappeared anywhere, I am very much here. As much as I want to share recipes here, I really can’t fit in time for blogging. But rather than abandoning the blog forever I would try and update it whenever I can.

It’s finally summer holidays here and unlike every year we didn’t go to India this year but stayed back hoping to enjoy British summer. It’s a shame that the school holidays is in July -August, so past few years we have been missing  British summer and  in India it’s Monsoon time. So basically we never get to enjoy summer at all, by the time we come back it’s almost autumn again. So I really hope British summer won’t let us down! So far we did get few glorious days and we have been enjoying the sunshine. I hope it continues like that.

Today’s recipe is Nankhatai, believe it or not   I had serious troubles to get this cookies right. I followed many recipes but my cookies always came out flat ! It tasted nice but I didn’t get the nice dome shape. When I was almost about to give up on this cookie I remembered that one of my friend has baked this cookie before and it was perfect. So I rang her and got  the recipe. I was still apprehensive about how it’s going to come out, I watched like a hawk near the oven door and voila my cookies came out perfectly. It not only tasted nice but had the beautiful shape I wanted.

Ingredients( makes 16-18 cookies)
Plain flour – 1 cup /120 gm

Baking soda – ½ tsp
Salt – a pinch
Ghee/clarified butter – ½ cup /100 gm
Powdered sugar – 60 gm
Cardamom powder – ½ tsp
Pistachios – few ( crushed)


  • Sieve flour, baking soda, cardamom powder, salt and keep it aside
  • Mix ghee and powdered sugar in a bowl.
  • Add the dry ingredients and mix. Knead it with hands into a smooth dough.
  • Let the dough rest for ½ an hour for the flavours to mingle
  • Scoop out small balls from dough and make small balls ( 16-18 balls)
  • Place them on a baking sheets few inches apart 
  • Press the crushed pistachios gently on top of it
  • Bake it an preheated oven at 180 degree C for 15- 17 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. This is on anyday my favourite. Mum used to make these. Really melt in mouth and awesome shots.


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