Friday, October 11, 2013

Great British Chefs SMW food photography workshop

Couple of weeks back a bunch of  food bloggers got really lucky when we got an opportunity to go for a social media Photography event hosted by Great british chefs in association with  google local at Google's London Office. Being a hard core foodie and wannabe food photographer I was so excited about the whole event. I went for the event with couple of my blogger friends and we were so glad to see a whole lot of food bloggers there. We were all welcomed by Mecca Ibrahim head of Social media at GB Chefs who organised this beautiful event for us. After few minutes of socialising with other bloggers over cocktails and canapes, the workshop began with a small welcome talk by  Ollie Lyod, C.E.O of  GB chefs. Other  highlights of the events were inspiring  talk by the award winning Michelin star chef  Chef Marcus Wareing,  food photography workshop by David Griffen who is well know food photographer and last but not least the delcious canapes , cocktails, dishes and drinks.

It was indeed a privilege to be in the same room with Marcus wareing, when he came on to the stage and  asked us whether we have any questions for him, he would have never guessed the first question would be a tricky one, he was asked  about his thoughts of food bloggers, for which he replied after a pause !! I thoroughly enjoyed his replies for all the questions he was asked too.

We were so lucky to get some great photography tips from David Griffen. He talked about lighting, compostion and Post processing. He showed us that to take a good picture we dont need a big fancy camera or even a digital camera. The mobile pictures we were shown proved that he was right. For post processing David recommended using Snapseed and showed us some brilliant examples. In future if I can take pictures half good as his I would be a happy girl :) Anyway I am going to keep all those tips in mind when I take food pictures and hopefully I might be able to do better !

Afterwards we were taken to the canteen to photograph and ofcourse eat the dishes from Gilbert Scott. All thanks to the Head chef Chantelle Nicholson of Gilbert Scot and sous chef Felix   for the wondeful dishes :)

To sum up it was a wonderful night indeed and we came back home with a goodie bag with an exciting voucher  and a small treat. A detailed post on how we used those vouchers and some exciting pictures will be  up on blog stay tuned !! Till then here are the few pictures of the wonderful dishes we had that day for you to enjoy.

Butternut Squash,sage and  brown butter tartlets

Oxtail slider
Rabbit and prawn pie
Mrs Beeton's Snow egg
Gin and lavender cocktail


  1. Gorgeous photographs! And what a wonderful opportunity :)

  2. Great pictures Vinee, loved reading your write up... missing all the fun

  3. Wow that's awesome :) loved reading through Vinee and great pics too

  4. wow lovely post awesome work done :) very nice captures :)

  5. Wow Vinee...such a lovely opportunity. I bet you learnt a lot and its so nice when u have such equal minded blogger friends around. I wish I had some who helped each other. Beautiful pics dear, and the food definitely looks n sounds classy...Rabbit and prawn pie? now who would've ever thought such a combination existed LOL!!!

  6. love the snaps vinee... classic!!!

  7. Fantastic clicks, oxtail sliders and rabbit prawn pie intrigues me a lot.


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