Monday, July 1, 2013

Strawberry Jam and some pictures of Strawberry picking !

Every summer we look forward to one thing in particular which is strawberry picking at our nearby farm. We have been doing it for the past 3 years and its a great fun thing to do with family. Acres of farm with fresh strawberries, rasberries, blackberries, gooseberies, and fresh vegetables like carrot, spinach, cauilflower, broccoli and many more things. Every year when I go there I go crazy seeing all fresh fruit and vegetables and I pick and pick and pick and come back home with a truck load of fruits and veggies. Only when I get back  home I think  " how on earth am I going to store them "  ! We somehow try and eat most of the fruits without storing them in fridge but  storing vegetables in my small fridge has been a challenge and  I end up leaving  few veggies at room tempertaure  for 2-3 days till I find room for them  in the fridge. 

This year has been no different  and I ended up picking a lot, but I have to say it was not as bad as last year. See, I am getting better ! But still I picked nearly 3.5  kilos of strawberry and while picking it, I  must have ate 1/4  kilo from the farm.They say we have to pay for it first before eating  but resisting the red coloured fruits while picking is almost impossible and when I looked around almost everyone who was picking was gobbling the Strawberries ! Coming to the point, making jam has been in my" to do"  list since a long time and strawberry jam is my favourite so this time I knew atleast half a kilo strawberry is going to used in jam making which by the way I did make  the same day. Jam tasted delicious almost like my favourite brand of jam. Making a jam from something you picked and enjoying it a slice of toasted bread is a priceless feeling. If this can  give such a good feeling, I  wonder how it would be if I made jam from starwberries which  I planted :)

Broccoli farm

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Strawberries - 700 gm
Sugar - 500 gm
Lime juice - from one lemon

  •  Wash the strawberries and pat it dry.
  • Place the stawberries in a heavy bottomed pan and mash them lightly  with a spoon or fork,leaving few big pieces.
  • Add sugar, limejuice and mix.
  • Place the pan on a medium high heat  till the sugar dissolves, cook the strawberries for 10-15 minutes stirring continously.When its almost the setting point take a cold plate(keep it in freezer for 5 minutes) and add a little of jam to the cold plate and place it back to freezer for 1-2 minutes. Take it out and when you draw a line it should leave a trail.

  • Allow it cool down to room temperature and store the jam in a sterilised bottle.


  1. Wonderful Vineetha :) I felt like I could almost taste the jam :)

  2. Can I honestly share something Vineetha ! I always wanted to have loads of kids ( when I myself was one ) so that we could all eat Jam together !!! I was so fond of it then :P

    Lovely pictures as always, and glad you enjoyed girl !

  3. @Nupur..ha ha..thats a great way of enjoying jam..u still have time for that..maybe in future u can enjoy ur jam with kiddies :P

  4. Great pics Vinee...Love the jam as well as the fresh strawberries :)

  5. Nice presentation and lovely clicks..Homemade always good! love the color

  6. Vineetha,

    We think alike :) Guess what I too made some jam on the weekend and used white board hehe... Will post it soon.

    Lil A did a good job on helping Mom by painting the board!!! Loved the snaps and the jam too :)

  7. Oh thats so lovely, wish there was farm here in singapore too :-(( The jam looks wonderful Vinee :-)

  8. Vinee you made homemade strawberry jam. I admire you. Yummy and fresh.

  9. Jam looks simply awesome! Looks so fresh. Wonderfully prepared.

  10. lovely post :) and fresh strawberry jam looks super tempting .. want to slurp the bottle full of jam and clean it :P lovely pics :)

  11. lovely post :) and fresh strawberry jam looks super tempting .. want to slurp the bottle full of jam and clean it :P lovely pics :)

  12. perfect clicks Vineetha. the light background complimented the redness of the jam very well..y dont u drop by my "pick quicks" blog too when u get the time. some tips on "sane motherhood" in there..lets stay connected beyond the kitchen as well..

  13. I love strawberry jam too, this looks so good. your clicks and board are too good Vinee.

  14. absolutely wonderful vinee... love the way the jam looks... hopefully soon i would try to make this at home... :)

  15. am great addict to the yummy strawberries at any form... Love the jam... but am waiting for the next season to buy strawberries here...:(

  16. Lovely pics of this beautiful jam!

  17. Wowwww.... your photography is amazing vineetha.. stunning presentation too.. thanks for sharing :)

  18. Mmm....looks so good Vineetha..Glad you had fun

  19. Thank u Anupa, Veena, shibi, Rekha, swathi,Manjula, Sona, Priya, Rafeeda, Vijayalakhmi,Princy, Hari chandana and Kaveri

  20. Pictures are so amazing. I love strawberry jam a lot :) I can stop looking at the picture, u indeed took full advantage of sunny day-both by visiting farm and clicking pictures:)
    Which farm btw?

  21. thanks is a fun thing to do..we went to garsons farm in esher which is only 20 mins drive from our place..yeah when sun is out we should make the most of it right :)

  22. looks simply awesome! Looks so fresh. Wonderfully prepared.

  23. Jams have always been my favorite. Licking them right out of the bottle is one thing I enjoy even today... Loving this jam. Beautiful clicks

  24. Perfect jam..i will pass my bread :)

  25. like your board vineetha.. nice clicks too..

  26. That sounds like absolute fun.. Picking up strawberries & making jam on the same day :) And the jam looks perfect Vinee :)

  27. Wish i get a huge bottle of this homemade jam, strawberries are my weakness, am planning to make a visit to strawberry farm soon too.


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